Configuration Reference

We use environmental variables for all of our configuration-related things. A sample .env file (which is what pipenv looks for when it tries to launch) can be found at sample-env. Here is how each variable works. Note: all variables are strings.

For variables that require newlines (such as signing keys), replace the newlines with \n. You can use the following command on most systems to generate such a string:

awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' $FILE

For JSON variables, you can just remove the newlines:

awk '{printf "%s", $0}' $FILE


Signing secret of the slack app. Can be found in the basic information tab of your slack app (


The Slack API token of your Slack bot. Can be found under OAuth & Permissions tab of your slack app (under the name “Bot user OAuth access token”).

The following permission scopes are required:

  • channels:read

  • channels:manage

  • chats:write

  • users.profile:read

  • users:read

  • commands

  • groups:read

  • im:write

You must also configure a slash command integration as well (under “Slash commands”) for the URL path /slack/commands of your Rocket instance.


Name of the channel you want to have our rocket 2 slack bot to make service notifications in.


Name of the channel you want to have our rocket 2 slack bot to make announcements in.


The ID of your Github app (found under your Github organization settings -> Developer Settings -> Github Apps -> Edit).


The name of your Github organization (the string in the URL whenever you go to the organization.


The name of the GitHub team in your organization that all users should be added to. Optional, defaults to all.


The name of the GitHub team in your organization that should be automatically promoted to Rocket administrators. Optional.

Note that this does not mean all Rocket administrators will be added to this team.


The name of the GitHub team in your organization that should be automatically promoted to Rocket team leads. Optional.

Note that this does not mean all Rocket team leads will be added to this team.


The path GitHub posts webhooks to. Note that the following events must be enabled (configured in GitHub app settings > “Permissions & events” > “Subscribe to events”):

  • Membership

  • Organization

  • Team

  • Team add

When configuring webhooks, provide the URL path /slack/commands of your Rocket instance.


A random string of characters you provide to Github to help further obfuscate and verify that the webhook is indeed coming from Github.


The Github app signing key (can be found under Github organization settings -> Developer Settings -> Github Apps -> Edit (at the bottom you generate and download the key)). Paste the contents of the file as a string. See deployment for troubleshooting.

The following permissions must be set to “Read & Write” for the associated GitHub app (configured in GitHub app settings > “Permissions & events” > “Organization permissions”):

  • Organization members


The AWS access key id.


The AWS secret key.


The names of the various tables (leave these as they are).


The region where the AWS instance is located (leave these as they are).


Point all AWS DynamoDB requests to http://localhost:8000. Optional, and defaults to False.


Service Account credentials for Google Cloud API access. Optional, and defaults to disabling related features.

Required scopes when credentials are provided:

  • - used for synchronizing Drive folder permissions

For GSuite users, refer to this guide to set up service account access to your domain.


User to emulate for GCP requests. Optional, and defaults to using your service account’s identity. This feature requires domain-wide authority to be delegated to your service account - refer to this guide.