Development Tutorials¶

Create an User Model for DynamoDB database¶

A quick guide run through how Rocket2 takes in a command to generate a model that will be stored onto the database.

So you just joined Launchpad and want to add yourself to Rocket2. You go on slack and starts to talk to the Rocket2 bot, but what should you say? To get started, here’s a command you can enter:


A slack user calls Rocket2 to edit their information.

# SLACK_ID will be the current user's slack id.
# For this example, let's assume the slack id to be `StevenU`
/rocket user edit --name "Steven Universe" --email ""

Yay! You have done what you were told to do, but wait! As a curious software developer, you’re curious about what makes Rocket2 tick. How exactly is your information saved onto Rocket2? Well, for every member added to Rocket2, a user model gets created.


An User model is constructed from the information the user input. Unfilled parameters will remain empty.

# To construct a User model with Slack ID 'StevenU'
steven_universe = User('StevenU') = ''

# To check if this user is valid.
User.is_valid(steven_universe) # returns true

# To get a user's permission level.
steven_universe.permissions_level # returns Permissions.member

Launchpad is growing every year, so there are a lot of user, hence a lot of user models. We have to be able to keep track and organize everyone, so that’s where database comes in. We create a table for every type of model, so in this case we’ll create a user table to store all users.

database (db)¶

Instead of using to handle our User model, we will use so we avoid becoming dependent on a single database. In the future, this allows us to easily switch to using other databases.

# To store an user into the database.

# To retrieve an user from the database.
facade.retrieve(User, 'StevenU') # returns steven_universe user model

# If we try to retrieve a non-existent: user, a LookupError will be thrown.
facade.retrieve(User, 'fakeU') # returns 'User fakeU not found'

# To query an user based on a parameter, a list of matching Users will be
# returned.
facade.query(User, [('name', 'Steven Universe')]) # returns [steven_universe]

# To query an user based on a non-existent parameter, an empty list will be
# returned.
facade.query(User, [('email', '')]) # returns []

# To query an user without parameters, all the users will be returned
facade.query(User, []) # returns [steven_universe, second_user]

Create a Scheduler Module¶

So, you want to write a module and add it to the ever-growing list of modules that run periodically for rocket 2? Well, you have come to the right place.

A very good example module can be found in the app/scheduler/modules/ source file. I recommend that you read it before starting development (don’t worry, it’s very short).


All scheduler modules are to be placed in the app/scheduler/modules/ directory. As Python source files, of course. These files should house the module class. Every class must inherit ModuleBase.

Since you inherit the ModuleBase class, you must implement the following methods:

get_job_args: A dictionary of job configuration arguments to be passed into the scheduler.

do_it: A function that actually does the thing you want to do every time the conditions you specified in the job configuration mentioned above.

Job arguments¶

As you can see from the example, the following job arguments are returned:

{'trigger':      'cron',
 'day_of_week':  'sat',
 'hour':         12,
 'name':         self.NAME}

Our trigger type is cron, meaning that it is supposed to fire once every time the rest of the arguments fit. day_of_week means which day it is supposed to fire. hour means which hour on that day it is supposed to fire. And every job has to have a name, which is specified in the name argument. For a more detailed look at the different types of arguments and different trigger types that aren’t discussed here, have a look at the APScheduler documentation.

Firing the module¶

The function do_it is called whenever it is time to execute the job. You can use it to periodically message people, periodically check statistics, poll Github, you name it.

Adding your module to the scheduler¶

To actually have the scheduler execute and remember your module (and job), you must add the job to the scheduler. This can be achieved by adding your module into the scheduler via the function __add_job within the function __init_periodic_tasks. You can see that we already have initialized our beloved RandomChannelPromoter in that function, so just follow along with your own module.

And look! That wasn’t all that bad now wasn’t it??