
This document contains important details for anyone contributing to Rocket 2.

Opening an Issue¶

If you see a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue! That being said, make sure to do a quick search first - there may already be an issue that covers it.

When creating a new issue, please add a label describing the issue; the most relevant are probably “Bug” and “Feature request”.

If you are going to work on an issue, please assign yourself to it, and unassign yourself if you stop working on it.

If you are not planning to work on a new issue, please also add it to the Rocket 2.0 project; this will automatically add it to our Kanban board’s backlog, where we can review it in a future sprint.

Setting up branches¶

Before you make any changes, you should first set up your own branch. It is common convention to name your branch:


So if your issue is #153 Read from configuration, you would name it rwblickhan/#153-read-from-config. The name needs to be concise, descriptive, and, well, have your name and number, so to speak.

Before-Pull-Request checklist¶

  • All tests and style and docs checks pass (scripts/
  • The Github build passes (Github will build your commit when you push it)
  • Your code is presentable and you have not committed extra files (think your credentials, IDE config files, cached directories, build directories, etc.)
  • You’ve written unit tests for the changes you’ve made, and that they cover all the code you wrote (or effectively all, given the circumstances)

We use codecov to check code coverage, but you can easily check the code coverage using the scripts/ script. The coverage should be displayed after the unit tests are run.

Submitting a Pull Request¶

We appreciate pull requests of any size or scope.

Please use a clear, descriptive title for your pull request and fill out the pull request template with as much detail as you can. In particular, all pull requests should be linked to one or more issues - if a relevant issue does not exist, please create one as described above.

All pull requests must be code reviewed. Currently the code is owned by the brussel-sprouts team at UBC Launch Pad; at least one member of the team must approve the pull request before it can be merged.

All pull requests must pass our Github build before they can be merged. The Github build checks for:

  • Passing unit tests (via pytest)
  • Minimum code coverage of unit tests (via
  • Code linting (via flake8)
  • PEP8 code style (via pycodestyle)
  • Correctly-formatted docstrings (via pydocstyle)
  • Correctly-formatted Markdown documentation (via mdl)

All of these checks are conveniently done using the scripts/ as mentioned above.

Remember to add the label Ready for Review.

After your pull request has been approved and the Github build passes, it can be merged into master. Please do so with an ordinary merge commit, not a rebase or squash merge.

Work in progress (WIP) pull requests¶

Sometimes, it may be more appropriate to submit a pull request that you are working on, just to say that you are working on something (or so that you can get some initial feedback on your work). In that case, it can be a good idea to submit a pull request marked WIP. The convention here is to prepend [WIP] in the title of the request, and to further mark it with the label WIP.

Updating an Outdated Pull Request¶

If changes have been merged between when you started work on your branch and when your pull request was approved, you will have to update your branch. The preferred way to do so is with a rebase.

Assuming you are on your working branch:

git pull origin master
git rebase master

If you have changed files that were also changed in the intervening merge, git rebase may report merge conflicts. If this happens, don’t panic! Use git status and git diff to determine which files conflict and where, use an editor to fix the conflicts, then stage the formerly-conflicting files with git add FILE. Finally, use git rebase --continue to apply the fix and continue rebasing. Note that you may have to fix conflicts multiple times in a single rebase.

It is also a good idea to replace the label Ready for Review with Ready for Re-Review for clarity.